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Это интересно: Создание рифового аквариума, Оборудование для морских аквариумов, Популярные морские рыбы
 Our services  

Types of services provided:

1. Design of aquariums (oceanariums), dolphinariums.

2. Construction of aquariums (oceanariums), dolphinariums.

3. Full support of the project after opening. 

4. Manufacture of aquariums turn-key.

5. Services after installation.


We not only construct glass containers and populate their by living creatures, we competently select and create a piece of the underwater world like a real nature masterpiece. In the seas and the lakes as on the land all exist according to the nature laws and it can’t be ignored by creating an aquarium.

We produce aquariums from the silicate and acrylic glass. The type of the used glass depends on the volume, form and height of the aquarium. Dimensions of aquariums are only limited by the technical capabilities of the aquarium installation location and by your desires.

 The contract of the aquarium construction is made individually, but you can see a sample here:

 Aquarium service

We always welcome to those who wish to take care of its aquarium personally, and we are always glad to provide passive assistance in the form of advice to our customers without leaving them alone with their new acquisition.

However, if you don’t have enough knowledge or free time to take care for your aquarium, then the best decision would be to entrust all efforts to care for the aquarium to our experts.

 We can provide a one-time service or a monthly subscription service.

Selection of the living creatures according to the selected type of aquarium.

The initial period of settlement is a very important moment for the aquarium life and if you hurry and do it wrong, it can cause problems.

 It is necessary to observe all the processes of maturation of the new aquarium and intelligently populate it. Not all aquatic organisms coexist with each other and this should be dealt with. Many aquarium lovers don’t have a sufficient experience in this issue and make mistakes that lead to the huge animals losses.

სახის მომსახურება:

1. დიზაინის აკვარიუმები (აკვარიუმები), დელფინარიუმი

2. სამშენებლო აკვარიუმები (აკვარიუმები), დელფინარიუმი

3. სრული მხარდაჭერა გახსნის შემდეგ

4. წარმოება აკვარიუმები ანაზრაურების საფუძველზე.

5. მას შემდეგ, სამონტაჟო მომსახურება.
аквариумное оборудование
Соль морская
Украина, г.Киев, ул. А.Малышко, 3.
(ст.м. Дарница, ТЦ "Детский мир")
Телефон: (099) 798 32 44

По вопросам строительства океанариума
тел. (067) 401-22-03, (093) 578-70-60
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